A dedication to all who have ever lost someone they cared dearly for . . .
Some feelings that I have attempted to put in words.
It's my first attempt at poetry, so apologies for errors, if any.
Amidst all my anger, my guilt and my fear,
I feel I am losing everything I hold dear,
I wish everyone and everything could remain the same,
But with time has come the greatest conqueror: change.
Still love you all deep down, my dears,
But something in me has died, I fear,
Sweet memories in my heart will forever remain,
Though we can never be the same again.
i know i may sound like an eternal optimist ... but i did rather speak my mind then try n please someone with sweet words.
I have always believed (and will go on believing) that people are born with a certain level of IQ, u cant change that mate cause its hardwired. but one's EQ(Emotional Quotient) is completely in one's own hand. many a times we may face people who tend to hurt us deep down, but that does not mean that there arent any good souls around.. after all life would be very boring if everyone was good to everybody else. but remember mate the cycle of karma has a strange way ... wht u once gave to the world will come back to u . so u neednt worry ... since wht u loose now will come back to u later (with per annum interest :P) but if we loose hope n let that little something in us die .... v tend to stop the process of EQ development ... your troubles will seem trivial once u compare them with a man living in congo .. fightin everyday for his survival... or with lance armstrong's cancer days ... the dude came back frm the brink of death ... or even with someone closer home ... like sonia gandhi ... who took to politics after loosing almost all of her immediate family (save her children..) ...
i m never philosophical mate .. but the context of your post requires me too ... n lastly ... never give up fighting mate ... and never say never ..!!!
Our ways of thinking are quite different, my friend.
Karma and all is fine, but I believe in time that I hold in my hand than expect goodness in the uncertain future.
And troubles are always significant for the one suffering. My pain is my own. I'd rather not compare. ^_^
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