I'm amazing myself by writing so much about this strange emotion called happiness. Generally, the only time I think about it is when I'm sorely missing it.
Strangely, this is one of the happiest times of my life. I'm more peaceful, contented, satisfied and most importantly, happy than I've ever been before.
In my four years of engineering, the most important lesson that I've learnt, probably even more important than my engineering studies, is that one can be truly happy only if his/her search for happiness goes within.
In simple words, your happiness should not be a result of things in your surrounding.
Sounds so mystical, wise and "enlightened", doesn't it?
Now, if I put it in a slightly different manner, the reaction of people would be drastically different.
"To be happy, you must not be too concerned with others." - Albert Camus
I can almost hear the cries, "Oh, but that's so selfish!!"
If losing your happiness and peace of mind for someone else is selflessness, I'd rather be happy and selfish.
Ask yourself a honest question, what would you choose?
I would chose to be selfish just as you did, but selflessness is trying to spread happiness without expecting anything "happy" for yourself...... and not expecting happiness does not imply being sad.
By selflessness, I mean being "concerned with/about others".
When your happiness becomes dependent on the actions of others, I'd say you're inviting trouble. ^_^
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