"Smile your troubles away."
We all have heard this at some point of our life and wondered, "What bullshit!!" I have reacted the same way many times in my life.
I am a pessimistic guy by nature, well, not pessimistic to be precise. I prefer to look at what can go wrong with a particular scenario and be prepared for it. If things don't go wrong, it's a bonus. I call it being "prepared", others call it being "pessimistic". To each, his own . . .
There have been many situations when forget smiling, I don't even feel like talking civilly with people around me. To speak of smiling in such situations feels like a joke which isn't even funny.
However, over the past few years I have realized something.
The multitudes of self-help videos, books etc. etc. which talk about smiling and being happy aren't talking all crap. They're just using the wrong word for it.
They say, "Be happy when things go wrong" when they actually mean, "Be calm\peaceful when things go wrong". The first one may be downright impossible for most people (barring a few "advanced" souls) but the second one, though difficult, can be achieved by each and everyone of us ordinary "non-evolved" people.
It is true, we do affect the environment around us (through our emotions). Before laughing it off as mystical mumbo-jumbo, think about it. Haven't you ever experienced this? You're sitting in a good mood, when a cranky fellow pops in and totally ruins your mood leaving you angry and irritated. In the same way, all the people in a group visibly perk up when a person known to be jolly and funny joins them. Just the idea of having a good time is often enough to lift up our spirits.
In the Bollywood movie "3 Idiots", the protagonist "Rancho" (excellently played by Aamir Khan) says at one point, "Our heart is an idiot. It gets scared very easily. So, we have to fool it. Whenever you face any trouble, say, 'All is well' "
His friend asked (rather crossly), "And that will solve our problem?"
He smiled and replied, "No. But it gives us the strength to deal with them."
And that, my friends, is the secret of happiness . . .
Well said Bud..... and people who smile during sad times do so only to confuse others.... hahaha...
On a serious note... no problem lasts forever so better be calm... and frankly speaking it is possible to be happy during any shit time of life....try it..it is possible...the key is learning detachment......ahem...
I was thinkin bout you in particular when I wrote bout the "evolved" souls. :-D
Only nutty guys like you can laugh in troubles.
very true, learn detachment and you will be in peace all your life..... it is the attachment that pains when stretched and makes us unhappy... and remember "forgive all but forget none, have no grudges, only fun!! all is well!"
True, the less attached you are to others, the happier you will be.
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