Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Anna-mania: Keep your head or risk losing it

This is a message I wish to give to my near and dear ones and also to those who are willing to listen to me with an open mind. As time passes, life teaches us a lot of lessons. How well we learn those lessons determine how well and, in some cases, if we live.

Today, I see this drama unfolding on National Television and I can't help shaking my head and smiling.

We Indians, by nature, are extremely emotional. We have this inexplicable need to make gods out of people we like. We NEED to worship something. Every Indian will understand what I am talking about. There are countless examples. I've seen countless perfectly sane and rational people lose all their logic and rationalism when the topic comes to their "God".

Now, the latest sensation this country has got is Anna Hazare. Almost everyone is running high on Anna-mania, rushing to become another martyr for this new "Father of the Nation". Granted, he's a good guy, or maybe, a great guy, but he's still a man. Don't deify him just yet.

As it is said, "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." Anna Hazare is quite close to achieving absolute power in this nation of emotional fools. But he should be aware that this nation pulls down heroes just as quickly as it makes them, ruled as it is, by the heart.

So, my suggestion is, before you take out your "Support Anna" flags and march down the streets tommorrow, sit down and think with your head. Think about what is going on. The common man is just a pawn in this high-stakes game of politics. And the rule of the game is, pawns are dispensable.

One thing is certain, whatever you do, the world will keep moving on.The stars will continue shining, rivers will keep flowing. All that will change is the life of you and your near and dear ones. So do what is best for you and ones who should truly matter to you, coz none of your gods will do that for you.

A proverb comes to my mind, "Don't poke your nose where it does not belong or you might end up losing it."
And I'm sure, things much more precious and valuable than a nose will be at risk in tommorrow's political theatre.