"Money is the root of all evils."
I really pity the misguided soul who made this stupid observation. People have been fooled by it for decades, centuries even.
Money is NOT the root cause of all evils. Rather, it is the LACK OF MONEY which is the root cause of all evils.
"Why?", you ask. Elementary, my dear Watson. When you don't have money, you miss out on a lot of things. This lack breeds desire, which in turn breeds discontent and so on. It is like the legendary monster, Hydra, which keeps on sprouting more heads to devour and destroy everything it can lay hands on.
The myth of the happy and contented poor man is just that, a myth. You want proof, go and look at the people living in the streets. You can look for (and will most probably, find) almost each and every social evil there.
And lastly, happy and sad people will always exist irrespective of the amount of money they have. But, it is equally obvious that the amount of happy people having money far outnumbers the amount of happy people not having money.
Hangman, hangman, hold it a little while,
I Think I see my friends coming, Riding a many mile.
Friends, you get some silver?
Did you get a little gold?
What did you bring me, my dear friends? Keep me from the Gallows Pole.
What did you bring me to keep me from the Gallows Pole?
I couldn't get no silver, I couldn't get no gold,
You know that we're too damn poor to keep you from the Gallows Pole
- Lyrics from Gallow's pole by Led Zeppelin
Not money but the love for money, is the root cause of all evil. Man's reach exceeds his grasp.
The happiest man on earth is the one who knows why he needs all the money he's after.
You don't live to eat, it's rather that you eat to live...
Love for money, lack of money, both are malaises affecting the general populace.
But lack of money is a more pervasive one.
Don't you agree? :-)
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