I wish to put forth a question for which I have yet failed to find a convincing answer.
Would you prefer to Feel or not to Feel (even if choosing the former means risking exposing yourself to senseless, mindless pain)?
It is often said that it is better to feel even pain than not feeling anything at all. I believe otherwise.
What is your take?
i did raher feel pain than not feel anything at all because .. "feeling", pain or otherwise, tells me that i m still human. still a living being, an animal with emotions. even the most ferocious animals like lions and crocs still feel pain. a mama croc would keep looking after her young fr upto a year. and if her eggs were to be eaten by some monitor lizard, she would mourn the loss of her yound ones by sitting on top of her empty nest and calling for them. little understanding tht the lizard left not even the eggshells. life is about dealing wid the pain, about fightin and about tackling one difficulty at a tym. d easiset way to accept defeat in life is to say tht i dont feel nething and wish tht der was no pain. i still remember the pain of losing a crucial badi final match .. or the pain of not gettin into virginia tech or ohio state .. but .. den this dosent mean tht i dont wanna feel pain. cause nxt tym around i m gonna remember this pain and work harder push myself just tht tad bit more !! i once feared cpresenting in front of a crowd .. wud turn all sweaty, my throat would go dry .. but nowadays .. i feel better and more relaxed in front of of an audience .. its d same wid pain .. the more u feel it .. the more habituated u become .. and d betr u become at handling it !! :)
1.Once a mother said this to her child when the latter was playing with a matchbox, "Dear, don't play with the matchbox, the stick might get lit and you might get hurt." Still, the child continued to play and as the mother had warned, the stick lit and the child's hand was burnt. The child had learnt its lesson and decided never to fiddle with the matchbox.
2.The child grew up into a boxer. He fought many greats and even overpowered some. He was defeated many times but he only pushed himself harder to come back strong.
well, if you could sense my view from d two points above, i guess u have your answer. Pain for no gain is worthless, but pain that can help you gain is always necessary and unavoidable too. The moment you avoid the pain, you lose the gain. But yes, there are some smart people in this world who believe in the motto "Somebody else in pain for my gain". I hope that you are not among those my friend.....
why did u remove saiyan's first post ??
@Jami: T'was the saiyan who removed his own comment, not me.
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